About Me

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Liverpool, United Kingdom
I'm a student just trying to get by and promote my illustrative work. I'm interested in graphic novels, cartoons and concept art, always looking for criticism and more work to gander at! If you'd like to contact me my email address is Coldcoldethyl@googlemail.com

Friday 27 January 2012

Lack of updates

Sorry for lack of updates, i've been doing a private project which i'm not sure if I can post images up on here.

here is a picture of one of the ravens I introduced in the last page of my comic. According to legend Hel made Odin's Ravens.  In my story I want the ravens to have returned home and possibly bred? I'm playing with the idea but I love ravens. I realise that they are over used in literature but they are so beautiful and intellegent creatures.  I will be adding a background to this imageand will post the results in due time.

Here is some concept work. With teh first image I was trying to get a dusty painterly effect and in the second image I was a bit Jamie Hewlett inspired. I really like how my first image turned out, but the second is A) too cartoony B) too scary.

I on't usually work in black and white so this was a challege for me but I think it is important that I work on this problem.

Recently i've been reading through 'Making Comics' by Scott Mcloud. It's completely fascinating and i'm learning about small nuances in the comic book world I previously didn't know about. It was originally recommended to me by Earthworm Jim creator Doug Tennapel and then by my friend Dave who is also a comic buff. Hopefully my work will benefit from this book.